Pastor's Note

Pastor's Note

A Message from Rev. HeyYoung Horton, Senior Pastor
Rev. HeYoung Horton May was a very happy and busy month for my family. Our twin children graduated from their respective colleges. Thankfully the graduation dates were two weeks apart, which allowed
Gary and me to attend both graduations.

While attending our son's graduation, one of his college professors who happened to be 80 years old invited a couple of her students and their family members to a luncheon at her house.  It was a thoughtful gesture and a real blessing for her students. The professor set up a beautiful table for us in her back yard with a homemade meal. I was so touch by her kindness. She was a Jewish women, so she we prayed for the meal in Hebrew.

For some reason, following the blessing, one of the Jewish students began sharing an experience she had with some Christians.

Perhaps the prayer had reminded her of the negative experience with some other religious people. She said, she had been condemned by some Christians that she was go straight to hell. Another person at the table then chimed in to share a similar negative experience he had with Christian people.

Obviously, they did not know our family were followers of Jesus. Before letting that conversation go any further, I told them, "I am a Christian pastor for a Methodist Church, and I am so sorry that some Christians hurt you." Then I went on saying that hurting and judging others is NOT from the teachings of Jesus. I repeated "I am so sorry".

They accepted and seemed very thankful for my apology.

On my way home, my daughter said "Mom, I am so glad you said those words, that was just what they needed to hear."

Her words made me think about how many others may be out there that had been hurt by the church.

Perhaps, we all need to be ready to say to the world, just a simple but sincere "I am sorry if
your church hurt you, that is not the teaching of our Lord Jesus."

Matthew 7:1-2 !Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

Pastor HeyYoung

New Jersey Annual Conference
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