Friendly Seekers Adult Sunday School Class

Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday School Class
Cape May United Methodist Church
635 Washington Street, P.O. Box 472, Cape May, NJ 08204

You are invited to come out on Sunday mornings, at 9:00 am, before worship, and join in with us. We are just starting Chapter 2 of the study book, "O Say Can You See?", by James W. Moore. The theme of this study book is "Biblical Stories About Spiritual Blindness". We started this book in the spring, but the focus of all 9 chapters, the introduction, and epilogues, is centered on just two and a half chapters of the Gospel of Mark, from 8:22, the healing of the blindman at Bethsaida, to the healing of Bartimaeus, also blind, in Mark 10: 46 - 52.

We will be discussing these teachings of Christ in the context of Spiritual Blindness, and how this relates to us in our everyday lives, and relationships. "The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light". Matt. 6:22. In the Greek language (the original language of the New Testament), the word body meant more than physical anatomy, it included the mind, the emotions, the spirit, and the total personality. So, with that in mind, spiritual sight includes the way we see things, the way we look at things, the way we view things, our lives, and our relationships. The perspective we bring to these things says a lot about us and our spiritual lives (to paraphrase J.W. Moore).

Some of the topics we will be discussing this fall are: "The Blindness of Narrowness; of Arrogance; of Self-importance; of Selfish Ambition; and of Exclusiveness; just to name several subjects in this book study.

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