God-Centered Yoga

God-Centered Yoga

Join us!
We meet every Tuesday at 5:30 pm in Lyle Hall.

God-Centered Yoga classes are led by Linden (Scoop) Gruver.  Scoop is a caring, gentle leader and his devotions are meaningful.  A love offering is taken each week for a designated mission decided by the group.

We open with 15-20 minutes of devotion and meditation, sitting in the first foundation yoga pose, quieting down our body and mind from normal activity level. This is done by slowing down our breathing in long slow inhales, and even longer and slower exhales, called yoga breathing. This concentration on devotion for the health of your spiritual being, and focused breathing, begin the natural physical and mental process of slowing down the heart rate and beginning to allow healing, health, and wellness of your whole being to begin. We then do about 45 minutes of moving into and out of various positions, called poses (asanas), slowly stretching out all the muscle groups and hard tissue parts (bones, joints, cartilage, and tendons) of the body. All the while, we have calming music playing in the background and make use of natural light and low lighting as needed. We end with around a 10-minute session of Conscience Relaxation while lying on our backs in the corpse pose or the 6th foundation yoga pose. To give you a sense of what this is like, I often hear, "Boy I sure needed that", or "Very Spiritual", or "I'm almost ready for bed", or "Very relaxed", after a yoga session.

Come out and see if you would like it. Wear loose-fitting workout clothes, yoga pants, no belts, or bulky clothes. I have a mat you can use, or bring your own. Questions: Contact Scoop.

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