Church Staff & Leaders

Rev. HeYoung Horton

Senior Pastor,
Rev. HeyYoung Horton

Email Pastor HeyYoung via our secure contact form.

HeyYoung was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea. Following her college graduation, she became a missionary, working eight years in Nepal, Philippines and Canada for Youth With a Mission. She then enrolled in Princeton Theological Seminary where she earned an MDiv. She was ordained as an elder in 1999. HeyYoung's personal ministry is to "Know God and Make God known." She loves spending time with people and truly enjoys providing pastoral care. HeyYoung enjoys creating stained glass in her off-time. She and her husband, Gary have twin children who are freshman at Brown and American Universities

Maria Gianfrancesco

Church Office Manager,
Maria Gianfrancesco

Email Maria via our secure contact form.

Originally from South Philadelphia and then Sicklerville NJ for almost 27 years, Maria and her family enjoyed vacationing in Cape May for many years before buying a home in the Villas in 2015. We moved to our shore house permanently in January 2022. Maria and her husband Vince have 2 adult children - Vincent and Nicole. Maria has worked in churches for 25 years and is so happy to be back working in a church again after "retiring" 3 ½ years ago!

Jon Vile

Lay Leader,
Jon Vile

Email Jon via our secure contact form.

Music Director,
Helen Vile

Email Helen via our secure contact form.

I look forward to the future as the many talents of this diverse church family are utilized to do God’s work. With friends and members of the congregation contributing, we have expanded our mission throughout the world. With Pastor HeyYoung at the helm, I am certain we will find even more ways to serve and spread the Good News! - Jon Vile

Helen Vile serves in many capacities. Her Staff position is our Minister of Music. Helen does a wonderful job directing the Adult Choir and arranging our Sunday Hymns and Special music throughout the Christian year!  She is also a wonderful addition at the Cove beach service along with Doug Moses.  Helen is a member of the Angelus Choir, a community choir, and an active volunteer for Habitat for Humanity and is the coordinator of Family Promise for our congregation.

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